Wednesday, 20 April 2011

My Best friendship....^_^

Everyone has friendship stories – stories that define what makes each friendship so special or what makes a group of friends so fun to be around. We want to share as many friendship stories as we possibly can on this site. Oh, sure, it will start out small, but in time, we'll have zillions of stories to share. Share yours. Just get in touch with us through the form below. If it works with the site, we'll publish it.
There are a few friendship stories that might not be suitable for our site, so that is why we ask you to query first. A couple of hints to make it easier to submit your story: no foul language is allowed at all and you have to be able to write well enough for a high school freshman to be able to understand what you’re talking about. Oh, and one other thing: Since the focus of this site is on helping friends make friends and keep friends, it's best to relate stories that follow along those lines. Make your story fun to read, ok?
So, having said all of that, how about a story to get you started?There was a time when Whitney didn't have a lot of friends. She was a bit shy and reserved. She never really wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to share secrets and laughs with. All through high school, though, she just slipped in and out of "light" friendships where she didn't find a lot of comfort or companionship.
When it came time to go to college, Whitney was quite nervous. She was going to be rooming with someone she didn't know and living in a town 300 miles away from home. There wouldn't be a single person she knew in town. She had no idea how she was going to make friends in this new environment.
The first week of classes, something happened that changed Whitney's life forever. In her English Composition class, she was asked (as were all the students) to share a little about herself. She told everyone where she called home and all of the other ordinary details that students share in such situations. The final question for each student was always the same: "What is your goal for this class?" Now, most of the students said it was to get a good grade, pass the class or something similar, but for some reason, Whitney said something entirely different. She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.
While most of the students sat in silence, one student came to Whitney and held out his hand and introduced himself. He asked if she would be his friend. The whole room was silent – all eyes focused on the Whitney and the hand extended just in front of her. She smiled and stretched her hand out to take his and a friendship was formed. It was a friendship that lasted all through college. It was a friendship that turned into a romance. It was a friendship that brought two people together in marriage.
Whitney learned the power of asking for what she wanted, being honest and taking action.
Here's another story you might enjoy reading

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

자신에 대해 이야기

나는 오랫동안 어둠으로 젖은 땅과 주위를 배회하고 있습니다. 어쩌면 내 결정하지만, 기초가없는 아마 아무도 기초가 있습니다. 왜이 일을하고있는 거지? 내가 당신을 줄 수있는 유일한 설명은, 어떤 장소에 등록되지 않은 가능성이 내 이야기​​에 대해 알고있는 사람들이 우리들 사이되지 않습니다. 물론 인간의 이해를 넘어 아르 많은 것들이 있습니다; 이해의 유형은 항상 모호한 원칙에 의해 제한. 오늘이 시간과 삶이 나에게 늙고 지쳐서 사람 만들 때, 오래 전에 날 무슨 일이 있었는지 쓰기 시작합니다. 추위는 강렬하고, 난 나의 몸을 지금 떨고 얼마나 느낄 수 있습니다. 그러나, 쓰기 전 이런 걸 (...) "나는 멀리 뭔가 호기심에서 일어나는 방식을 볼 수있는 과거와 슬픔에 잠긴 곳으로 산책하는 동안 특정 상황에 따라에도 불구하고 싶은 일을합니다. 처음엔 내가 그 두려움은 내 안에 발생한 어떻게 생각 근처에 살 때,하지만이 상​​황에 대해 아무것도 이해하지 못했습니다. 난 절대 내 인생에서 뭔가 비슷한보고했다. 쓰러질 정도되는 모습이 이상한 갑자기 무효와 이상한 움직임으로 발생한 길거리에서 reclined되었습니다 누군가 뭔가를했다. 이 사람의 행동을하지 않는 이유와 왜 그는 아무 말입니까? 내 생각. 갑자기 그 순간에 무슨 일이 있었는지 이해. 그것은되는 이상한는 가난한 사람이, 더 나은 자신의 삶,이 끔찍한 괴물의 소유라고하고, 죽음이라고했다. 죽음은, 어떤 사람들은 아무것도 추구하지 않는 경우에만 false로 이야기했다 대해서 단지 그들이 상상의 산물로서 우리에게 말해 줄게있어 그저 내 목숨을 내가 일반적인 이야기를 믿었다. 하지만 지금은 그 이야기는 진실을했다는 사실을 깨닫게 되었죠 (...) 자, 난 그 순간이 얼마나 무서운 느낌이 기사를 쓰고 내 오두막에 사시는 오전 동안. 죽음은 사람에게 그런 짓을했다 후에, 그녀는 그녀의 시체를 돌려 그녀는 내게 문제가있을 것이라는 의심 이라니의 끔찍한 얼굴을 찡그리기 종류를 주었다. 바로, 내가 할 수처럼 필요성이 거리에 빠른 실행 느꼈습니다. 그러나,이 희귀 동물 rake.At 밤를 떠나지 않고 내 집에 내가 존재와 삶에 대해 생각을 피할 수 없었에서 사라졌습니다. 아마 내 반사가 잘되지 않았지만 전 세계를 구성하는 모든 사물의 목적이 뭔지 이해하려고 할 것 같은데 : 바랍니다. 사람들이 영혼의 상태없이는 살 수 없습니다. 나도 이런식으로 명에 의한 것을 가정해 수 끊임없이 목숨을 잃는 두려움을 느끼는 존재가, 그들의 존재 (...) 많은 날들을, 내가 집 밖에있는 동안 그리고 난 이상한 기분을 느꼈다 거리에 걸었다.나는 보이지 않는 존재가 날 통제하려했는지 느낄 수있었습니다.처음에 내가 생각했던 제일 먼저 다른 사람이 나에게 이것을 만들 수있다면 분명히 그것은 내가 한 번도 본했던 괴물이라고했다. 하지만 어떻게 아무것도 내가 옳다는 것을 나를 증명할 수있을 때 확실하게 할까? 어쩌면이 모든 것들은 내 상상의 제품입니다. 그러나 이러한 일들이 확실한 수 있습니다. 왜 내 현재 상황에 대해 확실하지 무엇입니까? 나도 궁금. 제 친척과 가까운 사람들이 나에게하지만, 내 행동에 대해 묻더 내가 말할 수있는 유일한 사람 : 아무것도 아냐, 난 괜찮아. 내가이 모든 일 소진되었음을 단지이다.하지만 그들이 믿지 않았고, 그들은 뭔가 잘 아니라고 생각. 시간과 함께 누군가 내 개인 상황에 설명하기로 결정했습니다. 그러나, 이와 유사한 경​​우에 자연 그대로의 반응이 잘되지 않았습니다. 이 사실은 나를 독방 사람했다. 첫 번째는하지만, 관찰되는 느낌는데 나중에 잃는 게되는 호기심 센세이션했다. 하지만, 이것은 무엇을 될 수 있을까? 나의 자유, 나의 인식이, 내가 amusingly 생각. 그러나, 문제는 더 있어야 할 무엇보다 심각한 것으로 판명 것이다. 시간과 함께 내 고독과 나의 감격성 내 교도소다고 깨달았다. 항상 나는 목소리를 들었는데, 나는 내가 죽음이나 존재했는지에 대한 그림을 보았다. 날 위해 모든 그림자와 함께, 어두운되기 시작했다. 죽음, 친구, 내 두려움, 내 백성합니다. 내가 왜 이렇게 거지? 그냥 제 자리의 광대함에 울기 시작 후, 난 속삭이는를 들었어요. 걱정 마, 내가 당신과 함께합니다. 어떻게 지내? 어디 있니? 나는 어둠 속에서 소리쳤다. 아무도 내게 응답했습니다. 일 통과하는 동안, 불안은 me.Why 당신이 떨리는보다 강하 더군요? 왜 우는거야? 같은 목소리가 나한테 물어 보는 계속했다. 갑자기 누군가 날 쳐다보면서 볼 수있는 어둠의 떠나. 난 완전히 지금이 바로 그 외로운 자리에 있었던 생물이라고 확신했다. 왜 나야? 난 그녀를 물었다. 그러나, 그녀는 아무 말도하지 않았다. 그냥 그녀가 날 쳐다보고 계속했다. 내 집에서 도망 싶었지만 그럴수 없었어. 나의 모든 시체는 정적의 상태를 입력했습니다. 내가 죽어가는 것처럼 느낄 수있었습니다. 내 호흡이 중지 그리고 내 의식을 잃었습니다.각성시지만, 인생을 실질적으로하지 않고, 조명없이 알 수없는 장소에서 어둠과 추위 나타났다. 사람들이 내가 살아있다는 걸 의식했기 때문에 그것은 수없는 죽은 후에 갈 곳. 그러나, 무엇 곳에있는 일이 었나요? 그곳은 내가 오랫동안 헤매고 어디 있었어

Story About Myself

I have been wandering around dark and wet lands for a long time. Maybe my decision does not have a foundation, but maybe neither anything has a foundation. Why am I doing this thing? The only explanation that I can give you is not registered in any place, and the people that possibly could know about my story are not among us. Certainly there are a lot of things that are beyond the human understanding; a type of understanding always limited by vague principles.  Today, when the time and the life make me an old and tired man, I begin to write what happened with me long time ago. The cold is intense and I can feel how my body is shivering right now. However, to write is what I want to do in spite of these things (…)   “On certain occasion while I was walking to an old and mournful place I could see how in the distance something curious was happening. At the beginning I could not understand anything about this situation, but when I was near I felt how the fear arose inside me. I had never seeing something similar in my life. A strange being with famished appearance arose suddenly the void and with odd movements took something of somebody that was reclined on the street. Why does not this man move and why does not he say anything? I thought. Suddenly I understood what was happening at that moment. It was that the strange being was the death, and that the poor man, better his life, was a possession of this horrible creature.  All my life I believed the common tales about death were only false stories with those which people do not seek anything, just they wanted have something to tell us as a product of the imagination. But, now I become aware of the fact that those stories had some truth (…) Now, while I am in my cottage writing this story, I feel how terrifying that moment was. After the death had done those things to the man, she turned her body and she gave me a horrible grimace, a kind of insinuation that I would be in problems. Immediately, I felt the necessity to run away, as quick as I could. However, this rare creature disappeared without leaving rake.At night and in my home I could not avoid thinking about the existence and the life. Maybe my reflections were not so good, but I believe to have understood what is the object of all things that constitute the world: hope. People cannot live without this state of the soul. I can suppose that is this way due to people are beings that constantly feel the fear of losing their lives, their existences (…)For many days, while I was outside of my house and I walked on the streets I felt a strange feeling. I could feel how an invisible presence tried to control me. At the beginning, the first thing I thought was that if someone could make me this thing, surely it was the creature that I had seen before. But how to be sure when anything can prove me that I was right? Maybe all these things are a product of my imagination. However, these things could be certain. Why am I not sure about my current situation? I wondered.  My relatives and people close to me asked me about my behavior, but the only thing that I could say was: is nothing, I am well. It is just that I have been exhausted all these days. But they did not believe; they supposed that something was not well. With the time I decided to explain to somebody my personal situation. However, as it is natural in similar cases, the reaction was not good. This fact made me a solitary person.  First was the feeling of being observed, but later was the curious sensation of being losing something. But, what could this be? My freedom or my awareness, I thought amusingly. However, the thing would turn out to be more serious than what I supposed. With the time I realized that my solitude and my emotionality were my own prison. All the time I heard voices, and I saw the figure of what for me was the death or their presence. Everything for me began to be dark, with shadows. The death, that man, my fears, my people. Why am I this way? Just after beginning to cry in the immensity of my place, I heard a whisper. Do not fear, I will be with you. How are you? Where are you? I shouted in the darkness. Nobody responded to me. While the days passed, the insecurity was stronger than me.Why are you tremulous? Why are you crying? The same voice continued asking me. Suddenly and leaving of the darkness I could see somebody staring at me. I was completely sure that this was the creature who was in that lonely place. Why me? I asked her. However, she did not say anything. Just she continued staring at me. I wanted run away from my home, but I could not. All my body was entering a state of stillness. I could feel as if I was dying. My breathing stopped and I lost my awareness. Upon awakening I appeared in an unknown place without light, practically without life, but dark and cold. The place where people go after death it could not be, because I was conscious that I was alive. However, what place was it? The place where I have been wandering for a long time.